If a well is the only way you can get potable water on your property, the location you select for well drilling becomes incredibly important. Not only should your well provide drinkable water, but it should also sit in a convenient location. If you need a well, here are some of our top recommendations for selecting a spot for well drilling:
• If there isn’t a good spot for well drilling on your property, remember that your location search isn’t limited only to your property. While you will need permission from an adjacent property owner to put a well on their land, your neighbors may be willing to let you drill on their property if you get permission first and explain your circumstances.
• When you choose a spot for your well, make sure it is far away from any septic drain fields. As long as your well is outside the reach of a septic drain field, you won’t have to worry about contaminated water getting into your well.
• Just like your well should sit away from any septic drainage fields, it should be kept the same distance away from any animal pens on your property. When animal droppings lie in a confined area, the concentration of bacteria in the area will rise, which can contaminate your well water if it’s too close.
• If your property is rocky in certain areas, this may not be the best spot for well drilling. Rocky property can make drilling for a well more time-consuming, costly, and difficult.